Just single mum

Single mum just winging life


  • How do you practice self-care? Bath, face mask, fresh pjs & my fav film How about you? Read more

  • If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? Definitely my pjs 🤣 how about you? Read more

  • Well as the title says don’t cry over spilt milk, well let me tell you this morning I had to… This morning it was meltdown city in my household, and what was it over you may ask, the fact my son didn’t want to attend school because the sun was out! Uniform is too hot… Read more

  • Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? Mine is definitely a roast dinner, what about you guys? Read more

  • Self care Sunday 🤍

    Self care Sunday is a time to regroup and unwind from the week, so grab a cuppa and take some much needed you time today, you deserve this… self care Sunday is you time even if it’s 10 minutes to have that cuppa, put a face mask on, go for a walk or just slob… Read more

  • Good afternoon from the pool side in the garden… So my vision went a bit like this, exactly what the title says, I’m doing nothing today.. who was I kidding, 8am was in B&m the only crazy cat lady in the shop, came home to clean the house while filling the 10ft pool, why do… Read more

  • young house love

    When it comes to home decor, omg I used to just make do! Yes the house looked always lovely and people would comment your house is lush Lou, yes the word lush because yes I live in South Wales and I am very much a welsh girl and so am my friends!! I always wanted… Read more

  • Good evening from around the fire pit. I have only had this blog a short time so far but have to say I’m enjoying and I hope you guys enjoy reading.. I thought it was best to introduce the little family I have which I call my team, two humans and a little cat. So… Read more

  • Father’s Day uk

    Today is Father’s Day in the UK, it’s a holiday to celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of fathers in society. I would like to also celebrate mothers like myself who are doing the double duty because of men failing to do their part as a dad, so today I raise my cuppa to… Read more

  • lets talk dating

    Can you find love as a single parent I ask? Well the internet tells you its possible, ummmm but I am seriously thinking the internet has currently lost its mind, because wow just wow I am not seeing anything around me that doesn’t want to just play kiss chase like back in the school yard!… Read more

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