Just single mum

Single mum just winging life

if you never go you will never know…

Do you travel alone with your children? Well I am one of those women that never did until two years ago. I always travelled by car,train or plane with family or friends, the thought of doing this alone made me the most anxious person in the world, especially with a little one in tow. Also the one reason I never liked to holiday alone is I actually hate my own company, everyone that knows me well will understand this as they read along! But this is something I am slowly overcoming as I get older with now a teenage son who is becoming a young man and very good company.

So back to two years ago… I was speaking to a childhood friend who emigrated to America approx 5 years previous to this (bestie correct me if I’m wrong) and it just came about I want to come visit, the excitement just exploded there and then, before i knew it I had booked two return flights for my son and I and it was literally game on! I mean I booked this trip with about 4 months to go which ok seems a while but planning a trip to Florida America actually not. I had to arrange my sons new passport, visas, travel money cards, new clothes, well the list goes on it was all systems go go go… I just had to bypass the anxiety and throw myself into this and live off the excitement instead, my son was on countdown to the point he was nearly vomiting daily through pure excitement he would see his 3 besties again, and I couldn’t wait to be reunited with my childhood bestie aka Britney, she will only understand this part hehe!

So before I knew it my son and I were on the national express bus to Heathrow airport, the nerves kicked in massively at this point i was completely out of my comfort zone doing this massive trip alone. We hit Heathrow airport without a glitch and had the most amazing welcome by the Virgin Atlantic staff terminal 3, from that moment on I felt like a queen they were absolutely outstanding with us, my son got to meet the pilots, we were upgraded, they sat me down champagne in hand and that was my welcome to a 9 hour odd flight……. And it was HELLO FLORIDA BABY

Touchdown baby, we made it and I have to say it was the best feeing in the world, not only did I manage to get us across the world, I am standing next to my childhood bestie and her beautiful children who I missed dearly, you honestly couldn’t write this feeling.. but wowza the HEAT!! I knew it was going to be hot but this was next level hot, I was absolutely dripping in sweat from places I didn’t even know I could sweat from, so it was a case of welcome to the sweat fest baby!! The next two weeks were absolutely out of this world Florida is such a vibe and the best thing was the car air con wow it was totally my best friend y’all. The Disney parks let’s just say it was emotional but so so much fun, my bestie was the best host and the children together are like brothers so it was easy, the best holiday I have been on to date, not forgetting her husband in all of this he is wonderful we love Uncle Tom 🙂 hang on come to think about it I have forgotten my little bestie or shall I say big bestie Tony Stark (their dog) lets just say we had coffee by the pool every morning it was bliss… The hardest part of this trip was of course the goodbye or our saying was see you later, its never easy but as the saying goes “just a plane ticket away”.

So yes the anxiety the stress beforehand is it worth it hell yes it is, my advice is never hold back especially if you are a single parent, adventure awaits, life is short and the world is wide, explore, dream and discover, you have got this.

Another tip if you are in the single club …. Always catch flights not feelings gals lol

Much love

Lou x

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